Arriving in Klamath Falls, OR, at 8 pm, we saw some smoky haze in the sky from forest fires north west of the area. Checking the internet, I saw a picture from Bend where the sun was dim and the sky was brown. Hoping that this will be controlled quickly and we'll have clear skies for night time viewing and the eclipse itself!
I copied the AHK script for the K10D to use the Pentax Image Transmitter 2 software for tethering the K-1 camera. After updating the mouse clicks and directions to trigger the menus, I found that the main difference was that the IT2 software is slow. There is a noticeable delay to display the dropdown menus before they can be used. Had to build in 100-250 microsecond delays to allow the software to respond, for the camera to update settings, and be ready for new commands.
Yet to be made: audio announcements to work with the filters. I may just set a timer on my phone.
Here's how this update looks:
I copied the AHK script for the K10D to use the Pentax Image Transmitter 2 software for tethering the K-1 camera. After updating the mouse clicks and directions to trigger the menus, I found that the main difference was that the IT2 software is slow. There is a noticeable delay to display the dropdown menus before they can be used. Had to build in 100-250 microsecond delays to allow the software to respond, for the camera to update settings, and be ready for new commands.
Yet to be made: audio announcements to work with the filters. I may just set a timer on my phone.
Here's how this update looks:
#SingleInstance force CoordMode, mouse, screen ; Get target time in a format we can: ; - compare (with "<") ; < comparison should be safe as long as both are in the *exact* same format. ; time is 2305 format ; ==================================== ; the values listed below are for the eclipse BE SURE TO UNCOMMENT ;filter1timeS = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%090643 ; 9:06:43 am ;filter1timeE = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%101830 ; 10:18:30 am 50 seconds to remove filters ;beads1timeS = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%101920 ; 10:19:20 am 13 seconds to spam for beads ;beads1timeE = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%101933 ; 10:19:33 am ;brackettimeS = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%101934 ; 10:19:34 am ;brackettimeE = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%102125 ; 10:21:25 am ;beads2timeS = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%102135 ; 10:21:35 am 10 seconds to spam for beads ;beads2timeE = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%102145 ; 10:21:45 am ;filter2timeS = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%102200 ; 10:22:15 am 30 seconds to apply filters ;filter2timeE = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%114102 ; 11:41:02 am ; ==================================== ; the values listed below are for testing filter1timeS = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%224500 ; filter1timeE = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%224500 ; beads1timeS = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%224520 ; beads1timeE = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%224535 ; brackettimeS = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%224536 ; brackettimeE = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%224739; beads2timeS = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%224741 ; beads2timeE = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%224755 ; filter2timeS = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%224810 ; filter2timeE = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%225000 ; ; ==================================== ; send filtersettings ; set single frame shooting with appropriate fstop and shutter speed ; K1 Aperture is F8 set on the lens ; K1 ISO is 200 ; K1 beads shutter speed is 8000 ; K1 central bracket is 1/30 ; K1 filter setting is 1/1000 Click 1397, 195 ; set bracket mode off sleep 150 SendInput {PgUp 2} SendInput {Enter} sleep 150 ;click 1397, 195 ; set single shot ; sleep 100 ; SendInput {Enter} ; sleep 100 click 1578, 299 ; set shutter speed to 8000 then up to 1000 sleep 150 send {PgDn 8} sleep 250 send {Up 9} sleep 150 send {Enter} sleep 150 MouseMove 1552, 504 ; position mouse over shutter button gosub, filter1 ; remove filters audio warning ; SoundPlay K1filter.wma ; send beadsettings ; set continuous shooting speed to Low with appropriate fstop and shutter speedset beads Click 1397, 195 ; set bracket mode off sleep 100 Send {PgUp 2} Send {Enter} sleep 100 click 1397, 195 ; set continuous medium sleep 100 Send {Down 2} Send {Enter} sleep 100 click 1578, 299 ; set shutter speed to 8000 sleep 100 send {PgDn 7} sleep 100 send {Enter} sleep 50 MouseMove 1552, 504 ; position mouse over shutter button gosub, beads1 ; send bracketsettings Click 1397, 195 ; set bracket mode off sleep 100 Send {PgUp 2} Send {Enter} sleep 50 click 1397, 195 ; set single shot sleep 100 Send {Enter} sleep 100 click 1578, 299 ; set shutter speed to 1/30 from 8000 sleep 100 send {PgDn 8} sleep 250 send 1/30 sleep 150 sendInput {Enter} sleep 100 click 1397, 195 ; set bracket mode sleep 100 Send {Down 9} Send {Enter} sleep 150 MouseMove 1552, 504 ; position mouse over shutter button gosub, totality ; beads2 ; send beadsettings ; set continuous shooting speed to Low with appropriate fstop and shutter speedset beads Click 1397, 195 ; set bracket mode off sleep 100 Send {PgUp 3} sleep 50 Send {Enter} sleep 150 click 1578, 299 ; set shutter speed to 8000 sleep 100 sendInput {PgDn 8} sleep 150 SendInput {Enter} sleep 150 click 1397, 195 ; set continuous medium sleep 100 SendInput {Down 2} sleep 50 SendInput {Enter} sleep 150 MouseMove 1552, 504 ; position mouse over shutter button gosub, beads2 ; apply filters audio warning ; SoundPlay K1filter.wma ;set final filter settings Click 1397, 195 ; set bracket mode off Send {PgUp 2} sleep 200 Send {Enter} click 1397, 195 ; set single shot Send {Enter} sleep 200 click 1578, 299 ; set shutter speed to 8000 then up to 1000 sleep 200 send {PgDn 7} sleep 200 send {Up 9} sleep 200 send {Enter} MouseMove 1552, 504 ; position mouse over shutter button gosub, filter2 goto, terminate ; ==================================== ; subroutines ; ==================================== filter1: ; this is first to second contact ; send a picture click once a minute if (A_Now >= filter1timeS) { Loop { MouseClick, left, 1550, 495, 1, 10 ; click slowly to ensure shutter register sleep 60000 ; wait a minute if (A_Now >= filter1timeE) break if (A_Now < filter1timeE) continue }} else { Sleep 60000 ; wait a minute goto filter1 ; go back to the start of the subroutine } return ; ==================================== beads1: ; this is the beads1 subroutine ; press and hold shutter button while beads active if (A_Now > beads1timeS) { Loop { MouseClick, left, 1550, 495, 1, 10, D ; Press and hold shutter button if (A_Now >= beads1timeE) { MouseClick, left, 1550, 495, 1, 10, U ; release shutter button Break } if (A_Now < beads1timeE) sleep 1000 ; wait a second continue }} else { Sleep 1000 ; wait a second goto beads1 ; go back to the start of the subroutine } return ; ==================================== totality: ; this is the subroutine for totality with bracketing if (A_Now > brackettimeS) { Loop { MouseClick, left, 1550, 495, 1, 10 Sleep 4000 ; click every 4 seconds if (A_Now >= brackettimeE) Break If (A_Now < brackettimeE) continue }} else { Sleep 1000 ; wait a second goto totality ; go back to the start of the subroutine } return ; ==================================== beads2: ; this is the second beads routine if (A_Now > beads2timeS) { Loop { MouseClick, left, 1550, 495, 1, 10, D ; Press and hold shutter button if (A_Now >= beads2timeE) { MouseClick, left, 1550, 495, 1, 10, U ; release shutter button Break } if (A_Now < beads2timeE) sleep 1000 ; wait a second continue }} else { Sleep 1000 ; wait a second goto beads2 ; go back to the start of the subroutine } return ; ==================================== filter2: ; this is from 3rd to 4th contact if (A_Now >= filter2timeS) { Loop { MouseClick, left, 1550, 495, 1, 10 ; click slowly to ensure shutter register sleep 60000 ; wait a minute if (A_Now >= filter2timeE) break if (A_Now < filter2timeE) continue }} else { Sleep 1000 ; wait a second goto filter2 ; go back to the start of the subroutine } return ; ==================================== terminate: exit Esc::ExitApp
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