Our artichokes are nearing the point of first harvest, some are big like softballs, others range from golf to tennis ball size. The good ones are above my head already.
I got my first covid vax shot on April 1, my second is on the 22nd.
Mika got her second at the beginning of last week.
Things are coming together.
I've started playing in the back yard with scope gear again, after having everything put away since the Mars opposition. Galaxy season is tempting and I've made some attempts to shoot bright targets to brush the dust off even if I don't expect to get any good data.
Focus routines, guiding graphs, cable issues, trying to find dew heaters that I put away in an "obvious" place are my plagues of returning to the hobby.
I still have pangs of interest to take a film picture or two and I do have gear waiting for the moment I'm ready. Will need more hardware practicing in the backyard with the hopes of a trip to Montebello for a shakedown and trials. Hoping for a reveal at Calstar 2021.
There are times when I catch myself dreaming and pause, shrug, and get back to more practical things.
- I remind myself that I don't have a balance of vacation for more than 8 hours.
- I note my wrist-slap of ransomware forcing the loss of the timelapse data from Calstar 2019 - I'd left permissions open & left the router configured poorly.
- I see articles about the record setting ratio of fuel to moisture setting the stage for another brutal fire season: https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/fuel-moisture-content-California-wildfire-16087019.php
- I temper my enthusiasm for taking a photo to consider the audience of none.
- Lastly, I am reminded of the local lighting changes by our commercial neighbors to waste the fragile neighborhood darkness.
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