Practicing for GSSP in the backyard with M13
I setup the scope for the first time in a few months to work out the kinks and run some tests. From June 28 to July 2, I grabbed some subs on M13.
Subs were about 10 minutes each for Lum, R, G, and B. Lum was with the IDAS filter.
I floundered a bit when trying to bring the image together. As noted in the photo above, I tried to use the MultiScaleMedian Transform tool to smooth some of the linear background noise on the image. Wasn't happy with how it was working. The noise texture was too fine-grained and didn't respond to what I was trying to do.
Also, I found that my efforts with DBE were not tolerant enough and thus it was just inserting additional noise without correcting the severe gradients at my location.
I went back to the original calibrated data and refigured the DBE.
The color balance is much better now. I found that part of the color balance problem was that the selection of stars at the core of the cluster was throwing off the white point. It may still be off, I expect to fix that somewhat more in post.
Current problem now is to do the L combine. The data is still linear with no noise reduction done.
The rest of the exercise will have to wait until I return from GSSP. Alas, I will miss the opportunity to go to another one of RBA's lecture/tutorials because of previous plans.
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