Big Astro Changes

 Facing some big decisions soon.

I realize that 2019 was my final attempt at a big push into film astro.  While I did resolve the issues of RA drift on the mounts and would have been able to do a big run for Calstar 2020, the crash of this event under the weight of Covid 19 leaves me unable to progress.  I do not have the physical or emotional stamina to sustain the dedication to the process.  

Will likely be releasing my astro film gear very soon into the hands of someone that can take on the challenge.

This includes the 67 bodies, 400mm and 300mm lenses, plus supporting power, rings, and dovetails.

This also includes the supply of 120 format film in both new and old stock.

I will also be passing along my LX cameras as I don't expect to take more 35mm format.  I have a full frame digital pentax and there is no compelling need to shoot film since I hardly ever pick up the digital camera.

This means that my film developing gear will be passed along as well as the scanner.  

Last year I donated a lot of my spare digital bodies and film bodies to Foothill College and De Anza College photography depts.  Some of the film gear may make it to those people again.

I will also downsize to just two Losmandy mounts - a G11 will go along with the heavy film gear.  This will leave me with two mounts, perfect for taking on exclusively digital projects. 
